发挥债市功能 服务大湾区发展(附英文版)

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  ◇ 作者:钟言

发挥债市功能 服务大湾区发展(附英文版)

  ◇ 本文原载《债券》2024年11月刊








  To Utilize the Bond Market to Support the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area

  Zhong Yan

  The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (the Greater Bay Area) is a strategic pivot of the new development pattern, a demonstration site for high-quality development, and a leader in practising the Chinese path to modernization, playing an important role in the process of the national reform and opening-up. The 2023 Central Financial Work Conference pointed out that finance should provide high-quality services for the economic and social development. As a crucial component of the financial system, the bond market can further leverage its functions to support high-quality financial development in the Greater Bay Area.

  The bond market serves technology finance in the Greater Bay Area. With a strong foundation in the collaboration among the industry, the academic institutes and the research institutes, the Greater Bay Area capital market has delivered significant technological achievements, such as the application of blockchain, big data, and the extensible business reporting language (XBRL) in the bond market. Going forward, digital technology can be utilized more to empower the bond market and improve its operational efficiency. Besides, the Greater Bay Area is home to a massive number of science and technology innovation enterprises, which have strong needs for financing. Therefore, efforts can be made to innovate bond varieties to better support science and technology innovation enterprises, effectively identify risks, and discover value.

  The bond market serves green finance in the Greater Bay Area. As a pioneer in green finance innovation, the Greater Bay Area has a favorable policy framework that has enabled remarkable growth of green financial products over the past few years. It is suggested to keep expanding the green bond market, offer more incentives for green bonds and guide more financial resources to green sectors. On the other hand, the development of green finance cannot go without standards. Based on previous practices in the green bond environmental information disclosure standards, it is suggested to further promote the use of green bond standards, and the alignment between the Greater Bay Area standards and relevant international standards.

  The bond market serves inclusive finance in the Greater Bay Area. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are active in the Greater Bay Area and have strong financing needs. It is proposed to develop a multi-level bond market with a focus on SMEs, and explore the construction of a high-yield bond market to provide new financing channels for SMEs. The Greater Bay Area is also home to a large number of investors who trade securities frequently and would favor a greater variety of financial products. With the growing investment demand, it is possible to further increase the issuance scale of bond varieties such as bank counter bonds, expand investment channels, and provide investors with more financial products.

  The bond market serves pension finance in the Greater Bay Area. The “silver economy” is growing fast in the Greater Bay Area, with a high demand for elderly care products and services, and thus requires more financial support. Government agencies, financial institutions and other entities can tap the bond market for financing to better support the elderly care sector and meet the needs for elderly care services. The number of pension accounts in the Greater Bay Area ranks among the top in the country, and the pension scale is relatively large, which puts higher demands on related financial products. As the bond market can provide stable returns for investors, it is suggested to expand investment channels and guide residents to invest more in financial products such as bank counter bonds.

  The bond market serves cross-border finance in the Greater Bay Area. The Greater Bay Area has both onshore and offshore markets, a natural advantage in the coordinated development of cross-border dual circulation. Government agencies and market entities have made remarkable efforts to promote cross-border finance. Going forward, it is suggested to optimize mechanisms for cross-border issuance to encourage issuance of more cross-border bond types; to improve the bond information disclosure system to enhance digitalization and standardization of disclosure; to promote cross-border RMB settlement and mutual recognition of RMB bond collateral, contributing to continued RMB internationalization.

  The Greater Bay Area plays a leading and supportive role in the national economic development and the market opening-up. With emphasis on serving the real economy and facilitating high-quality development, the bond market needs to tap into its functions to enhance quality and efficiency, and thus contribute to financial innovation and opening-up, as well as economic and social development in the Greater Bay Area.

  This article was first published on Bond Monthly (Nov. 2024).Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.

  ◇ Editors: Tang Jielong, Liao Wenwen



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